UI Frameworks are not simple. When I first started using Semantic UI I struggled. Text were not where I wanted them to be, Images were not being scaled correctly, and I could never get my content centered. The number of different classes provided was overwhelming. I did not understand fully what the Semantic UI provided classes were doing. I would make changes in my HTML file, but I would see no difference in the result. After having more practice, seeing examples, and reading and using Semantic UI Documentation, I got a better understanding and it became fairly easier.
Even though using Semantic UI could be difficult, the pain and struggle of using it does provide good benefits. Using Semantic UI allows you to do much more with less. It provides a stylesheet and JavaScript methods that simplify designing a webpage and keeping it consistent. Little things become much easier to do compared to raw HTML and CSS. Adding margins to a page could be easily accomplished by using a container. Overall, investing the time and frustration in using a UI Framework is very well worth it as it speeds up the design process.